Star Wars: Clone Wars 100th Episode Celebration

As part of the SOE marketing team, I partnered with Lucas Films to design and develop an email campaign to offer its users a limited time pass in celebration of their 100th episode of Clone Wars Adventures. Responsibilities also included strategy, email client setup, QA, and post launch campaign performance analysis.


Sony Online Entertainment & Lucas Films

Krono Launch: EverQuest's first In-game Currency

Worked with the Head of Promotions and eCommerce Director to create Sony’s flagship game, EverQuest’s first ever in-game currency – The Krono. Design execution from concept to post-production of numerous Krono icon design and branding, cross platform promotional assets, QA and post launch campaign performance analysis.


Sony Online Entertainment & EverQuest

DC Universe Online Newsletter

Working closely with DC Comics team to design and develop monthly email newsletters of game updates. Responsibilities included content creation, design, QA, brand approvals and post launch campaign performance analysis.


Sony Online Entertainment & DC Comics